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Groom Prep with Steve

Groom preparing his waistcoat before the wedding
Groom preparing himself

Not only do I love shooting the ceremony and all the emotions it provokes, but it's also the couple's journey up to that moment that excites me about being asked to photograph someone's special day. Though the bride traditionally steals the limelight during the preparation phase, the groom's pre-wedding moments are equally worthy of being captured

The more Steve got closer to his finished look, the more I could see his emotions coming to the surface, giving me that look as if to say "I can't believe what's about to happen"

The camaraderie which usually comes hand-in-hand with this group of people is fantastic to see, albeit with plenty of confusion - "how do you do tie this tie?!"..."how exactly do you fold this pocket square?!"..."how high do I put the buttonhole?"...all of which usually gets sussed out in the end for a great looking section of the bridal party

Congratulations again to Steve and Dawn on their marriage, and I wish you a lifetime of happiness and adventure

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